Hello! I am Ranga Wimalawansha olympian

I’m a very experienced and highly qualified Personal Trainer and fitness instructor. Specializing in functional movement, strength, and skill training supporting movements that occur in everyday life.


Training Programs
Years Experience
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About Us

Sport is a preserver of health

I have been involved in sports since I was a kid. With high-quality training, I guide my young athletes step-by-step to achieve their potentials at the right time.

Our Vision

“Good health is essential for a thriving society. I believe with correct exercises you can achieve this healthy lifestyle and a healthy generation for our society.”


CrossFit is more than just a workout—it's a lifestyle and a community. Combining elements of high-intensity interval training, weightlifting, gymnastics, and functional movements, CrossFit offers a holistic approach to fitness.


Living a healthy lifestyle is a commitment to nurturing your body, mind, and soul. It's a journey of balance, conscious choices, and self-care. Here's a glimpse into embracing a healthy lifestyle:


CrossFit isn't just about physical strength; it's a mental game too. To excel in the world of CrossFit, you need a well-crafted strategy that encompasses training, nutrition, and mindset.


Workouts are the foundation of a healthy, vibrant life. Engaging in regular physical activity is more than just a means to get in shape—it's a way to boost your energy, improve mental clarity, and enhance your overall well-being.


CrossFit coaching is the cornerstone of success in this dynamic and demanding fitness regimen. A great coach serves as a guide, motivator, and mentor, helping athletes of all levels achieve their fitness goals.


Fitness is the foundation of a vibrant and fulfilling life. It's about more than just physical strength—it's a journey to discover your true potential and achieve a state of holistic well-being.

Let's do the run together!

Our Programs

The best sports for You


Jogging or running is a popular form of physical activity. The difference between running and jogging is intensity… 


Also called aerobic or endurance exercise, cardiovascular exercise is any form of activity that uses aerobic metabolism. That is, during the activity…


Step aerobics is a great way to get your cardio. To get a complete workout, you should add some strength-building exercises…


Body Weight exercises are some of the most common and beneficial exercises that you can do…


I have worked with Ranga for a few months and he has transformed me to a new level. He is skilled, thoughtful, sensible, and a pleasure to work with and a great motivator. He knows just how and when to encourage and when to push, though never too much. Highest recommendation.

JOHN DE SILVA Owner/Managing Director at JIA MODA

I am pleased to recommend Ranga Wimalawansha as a personal fitness instructor. Through consistent and positive feedback and encouragement, he retrained my attitude while I retrained my body. In a short time, I gained the confidence to walk into any fitness center and lift weights...facing the mirror. Ranga instilled that confidence. He quietly discovered the athlete in me that I never knew."


If you are considering personal training and prefer a private experience with a highly knowledgeable and “practice what you preach” individual, Ranga is the trainer for you. He is warm, welcoming, funny, down to earth, and motivating. He truly cares about his clients. I’ll be starting my second session with Ranga next week and continue to look forward to the commitment I’ve made to myself. I couldn’t ask for a better partner to guide me through this journey.


I heard about Ranga from a family member and am so glad I started with him as he has changed me inside out. I always wanted to try a personal trainer but didn’t want to pay on top of a gym membership and be in the gym with everyone else. Techniques he uses to train are amazing and my body feels so great as I feel all young and energetic again. I would recommend him to anybody regardless of your fitness level. Thanks Ranga for all the help on my body and mind


With my busy life I was really nervous about approaching a personal trainer. I have spent the majority of my life with music and, while I know thru my career about the importance of exercise, doing it was another matter.. Ranga has dealt with my out of shape body extremely well! He knows when to be nice and when to push me. You KNOW you exercised but are not overstrained! He has dealt appropriately with how my diet affects my exercise program perfectly. If you are afraid to face a trainer all I can tell you is Ranga never makes you feel like you can't or shouldn't be there, He takes who you are and makes you better!

AMAL PERERA Sri Lanka Singer

Start Running

Work Hard, Running Harder

Contact Us

If you need of a Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor advice, or a healthy living product review, please feel free to contact us.

Hello! I am Ranga Wimalawansha Olimpic athlete. I’m a very experienced and highly qualified Personal Trainer and fitness instructor.

Let's Talk!

If you need of a Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor advice, or a healthy living product review, please feel free to contact us.
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