

Body weight


Body Weight exercises are some of the most common and beneficial exercises that you can do. These exercises do not use free weights or any other type of machine or equipment. Rather, the person exercising uses his or her own body weight as the sole form of resistance for the workout. By including bodyweight exercises in your regular fitness routine, such as pull-ups, push-ups, crunches, and lunges, you can strengthen your body without needing a gym, outside tools, or equipment of virtually any kind.


Body Weight workouts have been repeatedly shown to be effective and efficient when it comes to building strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Bodyweight workouts can also help injury-proof your body and give you a break from the wear and tear of weightlifting.


Body Weight training is one of many ingredients necessary for a successful strength training program. And while bodyweight movements help athletes develop better core strength, better postural stability, and better proprioception and body awareness, alone they are not enough to produce good results.

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